Factors influencing job satisfaction: A conceptual framework
Penulis: Rudy Hartono Ismail1, Mursalim Umar Gani2, Bahar Sinring3, Mapparenta4 1(School of Social and Political Sciences Amal Ilmiah YAPIS Wamena Papua) 2,3,4 (Faculty of Economics/Muslim University of Indonesia)
www.ijhssi.org Volume 4 Issue 5 ǁ May. 2015 ǁ PP.28-31
ABSTRACT : The factors contributing to the job satisfaction of performance have been analyzed in order to develop the organizational behavior. This article aims to describe a conceptual framework about the influence of organizational culture, competence, motivation and performance as well as job satisfaction. This article presents some theoretical concepts of Organizational Behavior, Organizational Culture, Competence, Motivation and Performance. Some of the objectives of the study looked at the effect among variables which are expected to develop research goals and future research directions.
KEYWORDS: organizational culture, competency, motivation, apparatus performance, job satisfaction
Each organization has its own way, customs, and rules in achieving the goals and organizational mission. The life is based on the belief, a philosophy of life based on human relationships with the environment. The belief is used as a basic assumption underlying all programs, strategies and action plans which raise a high value when the activities are carried out is not violate on what has been programmed, and vice versa. In other words, the organization has a culture in accordance with the basic assumption of its leader. Behavior of individuals in the organization will bring up the individual performance. High performance in individuals within the organization shows that what was done by the individual in accordance with the programmed, it is also in accordance with the basic assumption that the organization of a high performance culture is certainly associated with good organization [1].Organizational culture is a mutual agreement of the members of an organization, thus simplifying the broader agreement for the benefit of individuals. An organizational culture shapes attitudes and control human behavior. Individually or in a group someone will not be apart with the organizational culture. The facts about its practice that has not been prepared to deal with the current situation affected by regional conditions (primordialism). Granting a greater autonomy to the regional government is interpreted as authority without limit, so that it raises an ego of each region. These conditions means the more members accept the values of the organization, the greater their commitment to these values, thus impact on the growing strength of the culture [2]. A Strong organizational culture in creating job satisfaction does not be separated from the competences of the members, all kinds of non-academic competence as the ability to generate innovative ideas, management skills, and speed in work indicated no differences in implementation. The difference between individual competence in planning and organizing lies in the motivation and ability to think analytically that owned by the individual [3]. This view has similarities with a statement explaining that not all aspects of one’s personal constitute competence. Only the personal aspects that encourage themselves may achieve superior performance called competence [4]. Some of the factors that can affect a person’s competency skills are beliefs and values, skills, experience, personality characteristics, motivation, emotional issues, intellectual ability, and organizational culture [5]. Motivation is one of the factors that affect performance [6].
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